Flywater Adventures is based in Juneau, Alaska's capital and the heart of the Alaskan Panhandle. With direct flight jet service from Seattle, this lovely city is conveniently accessed--and an ideal starting point for back country trips into Glacier Bay National Park, the wilderness regions of Chichagof and Yakobi Islands; and to Admiralty Island National Monument, home to the highest concentration of nesting bald eagles in North America, and the largest population of brown bear in the world.
coastal waters of Southeast Alaska are a fly rodder's paradise.
Ocean and islands create a tapestry of brilliant water and trackless
land where glaciers descend mountain spires to the sea. Through
the countless estuaries and bays course the anadromous races of
fish: salmon, steelhead, coastal cutthroat trout and dolly varden
char. On their way to complete ancient cycles they will move from
open ocean into sweet water rivers of startling purity, passing
beneath forests of majestic hemlock and spruce, many to reach
lakes without names. It's all Flywater Adventures country. Sometimes
our fishing parties will meet no other people for days, if at
all. If that appeals to you, listen carefully: the Tlingits say
that when you do, "you'll hear this land calling your name."